Lifted plans

Song: Foo Fighters "My Hero"
We are planning for some interesting developments in the upcoming months. One of which is the probability that I will be looking for a job. Going back into (any field) generates a bit of excitement. I wonder whether leadership is better at a new job? Maybe the work will be different? I wonder what skills will be considered highly sought after? The good news is that, no matter what the job is, where it is, or when a person gets a job: One of the key attributes is being able to integrate yourself into a new group of people. Listening to people is key, here. Responding appropriately is also key. I tend to believe that doing whatever you can to do "well" at a job is where people start to lose themselves. They start sacrificing and do not have boundaries. It is when you are least stressed when it is a good time to determine what boundaries you should have for yourself and which may be tested in the near future.

In any case, my hope is that I will still be able to shave enough time out of my day to continue my consulting practice.

September is here and so is Fall. Labor day is always pleasant. Do not forget to thank your employer for building a business for you to work. Especially if is a small business (the employer tends to deal with more stress than your average employee). On the 10th is World Suicide Prevention day. Remember that you are not alone is the world. You do have people to talk to. Even if you think you do not, pull yourself away from those thoughts and focus on who you can talk to, even if it is having to call the suicide prevention line ( 1-800-273-8255 ). 9/11 is during the month. This was the harbinger of the Patriot Act and we remember the tragic loss of life. September 18 is Batman Day, be sure to tell your parents that you love them ( bah-dum-tsh ). September 19 is 'Talk like a pirate' day.

One of the items that I like to keep track of is Techrepublic. They have some good articles dealing with business policies/leadership and IT. For example involves what to do if you have found yourself surrounded by 'yes' people.

September/August generated some interesting news.

It seems Krebs was attacked:

I am hoping to work with WordPress to generate a static site and convert the search to use something like lunr.js. Why? I do not want to use a commercial search engine such as Google or Yahoo: why should I want them to further have access to my visitor's information? Not only that, I recall that they embed ads into the search. I am also hoping to integrate, somehow, markdown into WordPress. The less I have to deal with GUI elements, the happier I will be.